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This lesson explains how to add stories to Xview and the process involved.

The steps to follow are as follows:

  1. Add the XFeature Story
  2. Log content as XFeature Graphic
  3. Add the XFeature Graphic
  4. Add Picon
  5. Attaching the XGraphic to the XFeature Story
  6. Permissions

Adding A New Story


Log Content as XFeature Story
Select new Library Object from the Administration tab

XFeature Story

  • Then Choose the necessary object you will use
  • Fill in the required fields
  • Feature Title – This is the title of the news story
  • Genre – This is the genre of the news story. In this case we keep it as general news
  • Year – Year the news story was published
  • Synopsis – This is the main body content of the story. Make it detailed as this is what people are reading.
  • Menu – IMPORTANT: The menu is in this case ‘menuNews’. That means the content will be in the news section
  • Tags – These are tags for your news story
  • Survey – The survey that this news story is linked to (optional)
  • Then Click and save

Log Content as XFeature Graphic


• Do the same logging process as before, but this time select XFeature Graphic

XFeature Graphic


XFeature Graphic is the picture for the headline. This is the picture for the headline, it will appear like the second picture above.

The Size of the picture is 360px x 160px (IMPORTANT)



Upload a Picon

(The Size of the picon must be 186px X 280px) IMPORTANT

  • Log the picon as a ‘Picon’ object
  • Be sure to fill in all the fields required


  • Once you have logged the new XFeature Graphic item, attach that Item to the XFeature Story
  • Find the item and add it to your clipboard if it is not already there
  • Click on the XFeature Story Item

Attaching Continued


Then click and drag the XFeature Graphic onto the XFeature Story

  • A window will popup prompting if you want to attach the XFeature Graphic to the XFeature Story, Click Attach
  • Close and reopen the XFeature Story Item and you should see the attached XFeature Graphic
  • Once that is done, On the XFeature Story object select the ‘Meta Data’ dropdown on the left, then select ‘Edit Picon’
  • Choose the Picon you just uploaded
  • In our case it is the one circle
  • It will then say the Picon has been updated



All we need to do as a last step is to allow permissions on the XFeature story, to do that:

  • Select the XFeature Story and select ‘Edit’ again
  • Select the Permissions tab as below and add a Permission
  • In the new row inserted make the Policy name ‘ReadOnly’
  • Make the group ‘xview_default (User)
  • And then save



Your News Story item should be there.

That’s it. You’re done.