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When the players have been attached to the branches, we need to make sure that the player has got all the attributes of the Network.
This is important especially when you have players assigned to play different media files but using the same playlist, i.e some advert in that playlist can only be played by certain players even if there is only one playlist.

There are two ways to check player attributes.
1. Directly from the branch
2. On Screen Works – Player Dashboard

Checking attributes from the branch


Double Click on the player and the box below will appear.
NB: If the box below doesn not appear but instead you see all players on dashboard, it means that player is offline.


Click on Attributes.

Player Attributes


You can now see all the attributes for the player.

Checking Player Attributes using Dashboard


On Scren Works Tab, Click Player Dashboard.
Search for the player that you’re looking for, then click on Refresh to see the result.
Then on your right hand side – click on “Attributes”

Player Attributes
