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Self-service Terminal - Receipt/Slip Template


This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create and customize a receipt/slip template using SST. It also explains how to add the template to the location configuration. Following this guide will help users easily create and configure receipt templates for their business.

1. Navigate "Location Receipt/Slip" under "Location Templates" in the sidebar

2. Click "+ Add template"

3. Enter a template name and click "Save"

4. Click "Edit Layout Design"

5. Click on the layout icon to get elements related to this template

6. Click and drag a layout from "Receipt Layouts" onto the canvas

Tip: Tip!

You only need to create one template design for all the different receipt sizes. Click on the size in the top left to view the receipt in that size. You will see the size of the template changes to that size and the layout adjusts to fit

7. Once you are finished customising the design, click "Save"


8. Navigate to "Locations" under "Menu configurations" in the sidebar

9. Click "Edit" on the desired location

10. Select a template that matches the printer receipt size under "Location has printer template/size"

11. Select the Receipt/Slip template under "Location has multi-store template"

12. Click "Save"