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The new dashboard allows users to manage the connected media players directly. The new dashboard allows users to multiselect when making changes to the screens like changing the bouquets and screens.

Accesing the player manager.


If the player manager is not open click on the small icon which will be in the middle of the of the righthand side of the screen.This will open the player manager panel.

Note: if you do not have the user rights to see the player manager it will not be available. Contact your nfinityX administrator.

Overview of Manager


Selecting a player from your list displays the information of the player in the manager. Users with the correct rights may make changes to the connected media player.

Note: Please take care when working with the manager as all changes will be live on the network. Once the user saves a new config file will be deployed to the media player.

Edit Config


1. Name – Setup on initial player setup
2. Location – this is a server based field and can be inputed at any time, this field is very useful when using the dashboard as it allows you to narrow your search very quickly. The most effective way to use this is to have a control code – location and area
3. Mac address is populated by the connected media player this is a unique number.
4. Server the media player is connected to.
5. Return server the player is connected to.
6. Project the media player is connected too.
7. Screen within the Bouquet/Project the media player is connected to
8. Format the nfinityX will transcode the media or video files for distribution. This is a trade off,
taking bandwidth and quality into consideration.
9. Period which updates will be sent to the media player
10. Heartbeat interval sending to server
11. Player logs sent to server
12. Connection type
13. Fullscreen – checked for fullscreen on (Normal operation full screen)
14. Cursor
15. Debug enable on off
16. Time Sync – this is used to synchronize media players across a network. The media players are connected with two-way communication to the nfinityX server this mode is possible and works very accurately. 
17. Volume can be set on media player.
18. Active-if not checked player will not update
19.Save – Save settings and send config file to media player
20. Cancel-abort changes
21. Delete player. Note if you delete the media player the player logs are kept, if this machine is moved after repair it will reconnect and download the old config file. Make sure you change the bouquet and screen on the server as it will begin to play the last attached screen.