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Creating a layout


Click on new Screen Layout

  1. Give the screen layout a name
  2. Select the aspect ratio of the screen
  3. Add Description



You can simple save at this point without adding any further information to the screen.



Click Save

The new screen will be saved and also be added to your clipboard
The screen will then open and you can begin adding layers

Adding Layers to your screen


There are two places you can add layers on the top bar or right click on the screen.
Click new layer

Modifying your new layer

  1. Name your layer (Eg Video Layer)
  2. Move and scale on the screen, as you can see it has given you a 16/9 layout because that is what you assigned to it when you created the screen. In this example we will create a 4/3 video layer and add a ticker and a side panel for graphics and information panels like RSS feeds and weather widgets and the like.

Layer Controls

The controls have a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 100

X value moves the layer left and right (horizontal)
y value moves layer up and down (Vertical)

Width – Size of the layer
Height – Height of layer


Colour – Simply select the colour

Video Layer created


Add the side panel and the ticker layer using the tools described above

Only once we have created the screen layout will we be able to add content lists to the screen

Completed Layout


The nfinityX automatically saves your work – You are now ready to add content to the screen layout.

You will notice that the screen layout is available in your active Clipboard

You would need to create a content list for all three areas of the screen.