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We must add a layer on screen for the ticker to scroll on screens.
In our example, we use an existing screen to create an additional layer and call it ticker layer.

Screen with no ticker layer


There is only one layer on the screen.
To add a layer see below

  1. Right on the screen
  2. Click “New Layer” you will see a new layer on your screen.
  3. Right click on it
  1. Hover over “Layer”
  2. Click “Layer Properties”

Edit the properties and click on “done” when you’re finished.
You will notice the new layer called ticker added.
Make a new content list that you will use for your ticker.
Search for the ticker that you have created or an existing one and drag it to the clipboard
Drag it to the new ticker playlist, give it duration and loop it.


Close the content list


Attach the ticker content list to the ticker layer (you do this by dragging the ticker list from the clipboard to the ticker layer
You will see a success message for attaching to layer – click okay
To see that the ticker is attached to the layer – move the time line a little bit to your right

Screen with a ticker layer


Publish the screen to see the changes on players.