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Searching for content that already exists on nfinityX and adding it to a clipboard.

Searching for content


Click on the drop down tab and select a library

Select the library


For this example we will use the Auto Default Video library
(note: The Library’s are setup by administrators and will be setup to fit in with your work flow or process)

Selecting the search type


Choose your option, in this case we will use the general search function.

Key Word


Enter the Key Word and click search



The results will be displayed relating to your query you now have a number of ways to add the content to your content list

  1. Drag content to the files you want to use to the clip board – you will drag them from your clip board to create you list
  2. Save your query result and use it to populate your list, this is very useful when you want to input a large number of media items

Dragging content to Clipboard


Simple click on file and drag to clipboard