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Here we are going to go through uploading and Logging content so that it can be used within nfinityX.

Opening My Folder


To open my folder select the “My Folder” icon under the home tab. Once selected a pop up will appear, shown below.

Go to the Upload tab


Once your folder is open,
Click on the upload tab to open the the upload control panel.

Selecting files


Here you can see the upload control panel,
to select a file from your pc click on the “Select Files” button.



Browsing your pc


This will give you the ability to browse your pc and select files.

  1. To select a file left click on it.
  2. To select multiple files hold down CTRL while left clicking on multiple files.

3. Once you have select the files you would like to upload, click on the Open button

Uploading selected content

  1. Here you can see the items you have selected to upload
  2. To delete a item out of this list, click on the dustbin icon next to the item.
  3. Once happy with your selection, upload them, select the “Upload” button.

Checking content has uploaded

  1. Once your content has finished uploading, the system will tick each piece of content.
  2. When all your content has uploaded the uploading bar will be full.
  3. Now you can move on to the explorer and log the content. Click on the explorer tab.

Selecting a file to log


The explorer displays the files you have upload, the files are on the server but have no Meta- data attached.

Logging files is an important process, planing and structuring you meta-data and library objects is something that should be carefully planned with a nfinityX consultant. Setting these environments up incorrectly will limit certain functionality of the application.

To log a file select it by left clicking on the item.
Once selected click on the “log selected” button.

Selecting a Library


Here is where you can select the Library that you would like the item you have select to be ingested into.
These Library’s are dependent on the content you have selected and the setup of the system.

I am going to put the selected item into th Background Library. So to do this all I need to do is click on “Background Imaging”.

Input Meta data


In this window you need to input your meta data.
The fields are dependent on the Library you have chosen.

  1. All fields with a yellow * before these names are required fields.

Once you have filled in the meta data you can simply save, but
2. There are three other tabs at the bottom, which we will go through below.

Date / Time Constraints


The Date/TimeConstraints is to enter a date/time constraint on the content.
This will let you specify a date range for the content to be used in a content list on a screen.
Once the list is outside the date range the content will be expired / not active .

  1. Select the New button
  2. Then double click under the column you would like to fill in, once you have done that you will see a area where you can enter the required info.
  3. For the Start and End Date there will be a button on the right of the input box that will open a calendar and you can select the date from there.



The Permissions tab is to give permissions to Users / Groups so that they can Read, Edit, Publish or Own the content.

  1. Select the New button
  2. Double click under the column you would like to fill in, Once you have done that you will see a area where you can enter the required info.
  3. On the Policy Name and Group input box`s your will see a button on the right which will open a drop down of the current policy names and groups.
  4. For the Start and End Date the button on the right of the input box will open a calendar and you can select the date from there.



The Rights tab lets you attach contracts to a piece of content. The content will get the constraints from the contract that is attached.

To add a contact to the content:

  1. Select the contract you want to add
  2. Click the > button

Once you have completed entering all your information and adding permissions / Date Time Constraints / Rights you can click save.

Content added to Clipboard


Once you have saved a item, it will automatically be added to your clipboard.
From here you can double click on the item to open it.
Or drag and drop it into a content list.