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Clicking on the Messages icon will take you directly to your Message Box. This is where you will find all system generated messages like exported content lists, ingest & transcode statuses, as well as warning messages. Learn how to export a content list below.


Step-by-step guide on how to export a content list







1. Search the Content List that you want to export by using the Quick Search function.







2. Open it by double-clicking on it.







3. Right-click on the Content List. A list will appear.







4. Click on Export List. A window will appear.







5. Select an output file from the drop-down. Your options are CSV, PDF and HTML. 







6. Select how you  would like the system to return your export. Your options are Direct Download, Email & Internal Message Notification.

Exporting Options

Direct Download

The content list is downloaded directly to the downloads folder on your machine.


The content list is mailed directly to your email address.

Internal Message Notification

An internal message notification will alert you to the exported content list in your message box under General in the panel on the left of the screen.







7. Once you have made your selections, click on the Export button in the bottom right corner.